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Other Visa

Visitor Visa / Tourist Visa  – (600 / 676)

The visitor visa is to visit places, friends, and relatives in Australia for a short stay. The visitor visa business stream also allows the applicant stay in Australia for short term business activity. This visa normally ranges from 3 to 12 months of stay. Since 12 Dec 2012, the Department of Immigration has introduced the long term visitor visa for the parents of Australian citizen, permanent residents or eligible New Zealand citizens.


The visitor visa is divided in to the following categories:

  • Tourist Stream
  • Sponsored Family Stream
  • Business Visitor Stream
  • Approved Destination Sponsored Stream
  • Longer Tourist Visas for Parents of Australians

Tourist stream

The visa stream is for people travelling to Australia for a holiday, recreation or to visit family and friends. If may apply for this visa while you are in Australia or outside Australia.


Sponsored Family stream

This visa stream is for people travelling to Australia to visit their family member who are either Australian citizen or permanent resident. Your sponsor might be asked to provide a bond money. You must be outside Australia when you apply and when the visa is decided. This visa comes with a mandatory ‘no further stay’ condition which means you cannot apply for another visa after you have arrived in Australia.


Business Visitor stream

This visa stream is for business people travelling to Australia for a short business visit. This includes making a general business or employment inquiry, investigating, negotiating, entering into, or reviewing a business contract, participation in a conference, trade fair or seminar in Australia unless the person is being paid by an organizer for participation or an activity carried out as part of an official government to government visit. You must be outside Australia when you apply and when the visa is decided.


Approved Destination Status stream

This visa is for people from the People’s Republic of China who are travelling in an organized tour group to Australia. The applicant must be outside Australia when he/she on applying and on visa decision.


Longer Tourist Visas for Parents of Australians

On 24 Nov 2012, the Department of immigration and citizenship has introduced the long term parents visa for the parents of Australian citizens and permanent residents. This visa may allow the parents to get a visa up to five years, depending on their circumstances. This is a multiple entry visas with a maximum stay of 12 months, considered on a case- by-case basis with maximum validity periods of up to:


  • Five Years :
    If parents are outside Australia and have applied for the Parent visa (subclass-103) and this is now in a queue for the decision.

  • Three years

    If parents are outside Australia and have applied for the Parent visa (subclass-103) but not yet in a queue

  • 18 months

    If parents did not traveled to Australia and have not applied for any Parent visa. In case if Parents have traveled previously for a maximum of 12 months in 18 months period on a visitor visa, they may be eligible to apply.

If you are married to, engaged to, or living in a de facto relationship with an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen, your partner may sponsor you for migration to Australia.

To get this visa, you must be married to or in a de facto relationship with an:

  • Australian citizen
  • Australian permanent resident
  • eligible New Zealand citizen.

There are 2 visa categories available to the partner of an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen wishing to migrate to Australia:

  1. Partner Provisonal visa : This is a temporary visa for a partner of an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen. It is usually valid for two years.

The Partner (Provisional) visa (subclass 309) lets you:

  • enter Australia and stay here until a decision is made about your permanent Partner visa
  • work in Australia
  • study in Australia, but with no access to government funding
    enrol in Medicare, Australia’s scheme for health-related care and expenses.
  1. Partner Migrant Visa: This is a permanent visa for a partner of an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen.

If you are later granted a permanent visa, you can:

  • stay in Australia indefinitely
  • work and study in Australia
  • apply for Australian citizenship (if you are eligible)
  • sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence
  • receive some social security payments
  • travel to and from Australia for five years from the date the visa is granted – after that time you will need another visa to enter Australia.

This is visa for parents or step parents of an Australian permanent resident, Citizens or eligible New Zealand citizens currently living in Australia. The Parents must pass the balance of family test before applying for this visa. This means at least 50% of their total children must be permanent resident or citizen of Australia. In some cases children may not be counted in a family balance test.


The sponsor child must be settled in Australia, which means the sponsor has lived and worked in Australia around the period of two years. In some cases the period of temporary residency could also counted in two years period. Example – if someone spent 18 months on a temporary visa and 6 months as a permanent visa holder, he/she may be considered as settled in Australia.


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AuzAsia Migration Services, Australian Education and Immigration specialist and premier provider of migration advice and assistance for Individuals wishing to migrate or study in Australia. We have earned reputation as one of the most trusted and respected education and immigration consultancies.

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